Being part of something bigger than yourself

I, like many others, was fortunate (and adventurous) enough to see Pope Francis in Philadelphia on Sunday. Yes, there was a lot of excitement and hoopla, and yes, I got caught up in it. But I am overwhelmed still, the morning after, when I stop to think about the experience, or talk about it with…

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Bold AND Humble

Yes, we are going to see the Pope! (This, of course, is a photo of my husband Bill and I with a likeness of the Pope – taken at our church picnic!) People have been teasing us that we are absolutely crazy to venture into Philadelphia this coming weekend to see the Pope. I have…

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A safe place to land…

Being a parent, a mom, is hard. My son recently got married and I felt like part of it didn’t go so well. He got mad at me, I got mad at him…and overall I feel to some degree like I have “lost” him. We have talked since and made amends…and I realize he wasn’t really…

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Through the eyes of a child…

 I had the pleasure of watching my 17-month-old granddaughter Marley Elizabeth for a few days while her parents (my son and his new bride) were on their honeymoon. It was exhilarating and exhausting…a few moments of frustration but many more of delight, joy, love. I saw her blossom as she got used to being with…

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