What is Your Purpose?

Are you living according to your purpose? If your answer is yes to that question, congratulations, you are likely among a very small percentage of people who are. Most people either a) don’t know their purpose, or b) do know, but can’t live it yet for a variety of reasons – time, money, health, other…

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Winter wonders…

Took the dog for a walk this afternoon as the sun started to set. It was quiet, not many people out on a cold, winter day. The kind of quiet that only winter brings. I could hear only the crunch of snow under my feet. The kind of quiet and cold that get your attention.…

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The One Thing…

Happy New Year! Hard to believe another whole year has gone by! I happened to be tuned into Dr. Charles Stanley’s broadcast this past Sunday and luckily stayed tuned in to listen to his son, Andy Stanley’s broadcast afterward. It was about starting the new year focused on your “one thing.” Most of us know…

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