Grouchy to Great – Turn It Around!

Ok, I woke up grouchy. Don’t know why, just did. Maybe it was that I woke up late, didn’t feel good, didn’t want to go to work, didn’t have anything to pack for lunch, didn’t get the stuff done over the weekend I wanted to get done, football team lost, heard the criticisms in my…

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Change of Plans

My husband and I were supposed to go to the beach this weekend to celebrate our anniversary…but then we had the dreaded “change of plans.” I had orchestrated the whole mini-vacation to my favorite destination but then he wasn’t feeling well, so we stayed home. I don’t deal well with this. I tried to “suck it up”…

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Respect Life…

 October is Respect Life month (and yesterday was Respect Life Sunday). As a woman I respect a woman’s choice when it comes to her body…I have had one or two male doctors who tried to tell me I wouldn’t feel pain (when I did!) and ignored what I knew to be true and I paid the price. But I also know what it’s…

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