Age…Just a Number!

Diane Gilman and I web

“You’re going to be a grandmother!” I’ll never forget when my son said those words about three months ago. “I’m not old enough!” was my first thought. (of course, I’m getting used to the idea and am looking forward to it now). Yesterday I heard famous fashion designer and Home Shopping Network star Diane Gilman speak at the Women’s Expo in Delaware. She gave me new hope that we can all achieve our dreams no matter how old we are – she’s 68 and is just now reaching the pinnacle of her success. I’m reminded of women in the Bible for whom all seemed hopeless (being childless in old age was a big deal back then) and then miracles happened – look at Sarah and Elizabeth! God’s time doesn’t go by ours sometimes – we just need to keep believing in Him and in ourselves!

Michele Chynoweth


  1. Denise Ross on November 15, 2013 at 10:00 am


    I loved this post! Keep dreaming … And writing!


    Sent from my iPad

  2. michelechynoweth1 on November 15, 2013 at 7:30 pm

    Thanks for reading…glad you liked it! I just finished my next manuscript, “The Runaway Prophet” based on Jonah. Can’t wait for you to read it! Take care! Hugs, Michele

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