What Really Matters…

Thanksgiving, of course, is tomorrow. And yes, I have to cook. And yes, I am a little stressed…family photo, family drama, and all the crazy little things that go with it. But tomorrow is also the day I married my best friend in the Catholic Church…he converted to Catholicism for me! That was two years…

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All Work, No Play…

…”makes Michele a dull girl,” as the saying goes. Last night I was reminded of this when my daughter burst into my room and playfully tackled me. I was in a grouchy mood after the daily grind and rebuffed her. I later regretted not taking a few minutes to “play” by roughhousing with her. (it’s rare…

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Age…Just a Number!

“You’re going to be a grandmother!” I’ll never forget when my son said those words about three months ago. “I’m not old enough!” was my first thought. (of course, I’m getting used to the idea and am looking forward to it now). Yesterday I heard famous fashion designer and Home Shopping Network star Diane Gilman speak…

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Build the Kingdom Here, Now

Today’s Gospel about the one leper out of 10 giving thanks stops short of this passage immediately following: ‘The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed; nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There it is!’ For behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst.’” Right here, right now. Starting with…

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