Many called, few chosen.

This week is “National Vocation Awareness Week”, an annual week-long celebration of the Catholic Church in the United States dedicated to promote vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and consecrated life through prayer and education. Now, I know (married with five children) that I am not called to be a nun! However, I also know I am called to serve – to fufill God’s individual purpose in my life (in my case, to be the author of modern-day Bible stories. And each day I try to have a little more faith to answer that call. I think we are all called – but some of just don’t hear, aren’t listening, get in our own way, etc.  Jesus says,  “Many are called but few are chosen†in Matthew 22:14. This statement is the conclusion to the Parable of the Wedding Feast. Jesus spoke this parable to show what the kingdom of heaven will be like when the end of the world comes. In the parable, the king sends his servants out to gather the wedding guests to the wedding feast. But some invited refused to come, some because they were too busy with their own worldly pursuits. So don’t think you’re not called – you just need to listen, then respond. And you too will be chosen.

Michele Chynoweth

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