Evangelization and the Election

Growing up Catholic I always thought that the word “evangelization” was a negative word that was associated with Jehovah’s witnesses knocking on the door. Our response? Run and hide! But I have realized lately that I have a whole new outlook on evangelization, and that hopefully I am practicing it  – both through being on…

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Year of Faith

The Catholic Church is proclaiming that we are now in the “Year of Faith.” Thought it was a good time to mention that my novel, “The Faithful One,” would make a great read during this time – since it is all about holding onto our faith, no matter what life throws our way. (The Year…

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Just in Time! Respect Life/Domestic Abuse Awareness

My new book The Peace Maker has just been published (my copies arrived yesterday!) and I am proud to say that in it I address critical issues that not only I believe are “in our face” more than ever as Christians and as voters – but what the Catholic Church and many Christian Churches are also actively promoting as urgent: October is…

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