A Trying Day…this too shall pass!

For the nation (with the Supreme Court ruling upholding Obamacare and thus the HSS Mandate that will force Catholics to act against their beliefs); and for me (we are getting our entire house practically renovated thanks to our dog Shirley who shut herself in our bathroom upstairs, had a panic attack and bit through the…

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Just Ask!

I feel blessed lately that God has been opening a lot of doors for me – as my good friend Carol says, “putting just the right person with just the right message in just the right place at just the right time.” But I realize it’s because I’ve been asking. This morning I listened to…

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Fortnight 4 Freedom

This may very well be one of the biggest causes in our lifetime that we as believers in God can stand behind; for those who still don’t know about the fact that the HSS mandate (Obamacare) is going to be decided on any day now by the Supreme Court – and that, if passed, will…

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Stand Up for What You Believe…

I have to admit I’ve never been one to attend rallies – that is, before this past Friday when I went during my lunch hour to the “Stand up for Religious Freedom” rally against President Obama’s HSS mandate which persecutes employers and others who don’t believe in contraception, abortifacient drugs and sterilization but will be forced to pay…

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