I’m Proud of Notre Dame!

I am proud of my alma mater, the University of Notre Dame, for taking a stand in defense of religious freedom against President Obama’s HSS mandate that requires all employers to provide affordable health care including contraception, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs despite the fact that they go against their religious and moral values. A few days ago the University of Notre Dame joined 42 others in filing a lawsuit against the Obamacare plan. If the federal government is permitted to “override our religious purpose†and “use religious organizations to advance policies that undercut [their] values,†then religious organizations will become “mere tools for the exercise of government power†and “morally subservient to the state.†said Notre Dame President Father John Jenkins. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has called the Obamacare mandate an “unprecedented” violation of religious freedom by the federal government. And I believe, along with those fighting this all the way to the Supreme Court (which includes Catholics, Protestants and many religious and even non-religious groups) that if this act of religious persecution is allowed, it’s a slippery slope and before long the government will be dictating everything. Not too many years ago Notre Dame had President Obama speak at its commencement ceremony. Hmmm…it’s seems they’re a good example of the principle that it’s never too late to admit you made a mistake – and to do the right thing.

Michele Chynoweth

