A Sign? Cool Bumper Sticker…

I was taking a walk on my lunch hour yesterday in historic old New Castle, thinking about rewriting a part of my new, second novel to come out this fall called “The Peace Maker” when I saw this bumper sticker that “spoke” to me: “It is an affront to truth to treat falsehood with complaisance.”…

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Being Tested…

I thought I was being “tested” recently by God (ie., why is everything so hard sometimes – including learning social media!) I was having some difficulty getting books into Barnes & Noble from my publisher/distributor for a book signing coming up May 6 at Christiana Mall in Delaware- opened Bible at random to James this…

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Interviews with newspapers – scary!

I used to be a news reporter…had no problem diving in and asking people questions. Being on the other end is a lot more scary (but also exhilirating!) I was interviewed yesterday and today as a local author of “The Faithful One” for articles in The News Journal (Delaware) and The Catholic Dialog (

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Next Book Approved by My Publisher – Yea!

After some back and forth, my next novel, “The Peace Maker” has just been approved for publication by the Acquisitions team at Ellechor Publishing  – and I’m keeping my fingers crossed it will come out by October since it is based on a (fictional) presidential election – and the Bible story of Abigail – who saved David…

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